Each Friday, I’ll post links to 3–5 resources from around the web you may want to check out.
Maybe We Make Meditation Too Difficult
Tim Challies wonders if we don’t often meditate on the Scriptures because we have over-complicated it.
What is meditation? Meditation is pondering the words of the Bible with the goal of better understanding and sharper application. Ideally, meditation leads us to understand the words we have read and to know how God may call us to work them out in our lives. It is one of the ways that we output wisdom after inputting knowledge.
What Does It Mean to Die with Dignity?
I have found Kathryn Butler’s writing about faith and medicine/health care so helpful this year. In this article she writes about end-of-life care and what it means to “die with dignity.”
What does it mean to die with dignity? Abstractly, we all long for a dignified death, during which family surround us and we suffer minimal pain and anxiety. In reality, however, the dying process is often unsettling, even when we try to prepare ourselves for its messy realities. Perhaps most importantly, however, conflating the phrase “death with dignity” and assisted dying confuses the conversation.
Our poem of the week: counterpressure, by Carreen Raynor. It’s largely about kindness.
On the WPCA Blog This Week
This week on the blog we published an article I wrote called The 3-Step Path to Biblical Hope. If you haven’t already seen it, check it out!
Note: Washington Presbyterian Church and the editors of this blog do not necessarily endorse all content produced by the individuals or groups referenced here.
- Sorrow: An Engine of Christian Hope - February 5, 2025
- Links for the Weekend (2025-01-31) - January 31, 2025
- Links for the Weekend (2025-01-24) - January 24, 2025